Friday, January 11, 2013

Tuesday night kids class 1/08/2013

Tuesday night at Core Combat Sports Academy ( ) kids class kicks off with energy and excitement.  Every student ready for whats to come.  Starting off with a nice paced jog around the mat, mixing in bear crawls and crab walks to keep everyone limber and loose.  Once our students hear "line drills" everyone hustles to line up ready to work their hardest.  Pushing themselves to do their best is what our instructors see in each one of their students.   As tough as the drills may be every student at Core Combat Sports Academy gives 100%.  
Along with building their martial arts skills, our students are also challanged with learning a specific life skill for the month.  This month our kids class is learning "Focus".  Not just learning the meaning of the word but how to apply that word in their lives on and off the mat is how they achieve their life skill completion.
Something new our older kids are starting now is striking.   Armed with a good knowledge of their jujitsu, our instructors now introduce them to striking.   Working first on jabs and the proper foot work.  Learning how and why each movement is done.  Doing what is called the mirror drill, students pair up and focusing on their movement forward and backwards learning how to react to having an oppenent in front of them. 

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