Tuesday, January 22, 2013

cold Tuesday night for core kids

Before everyone bows in, the students go over what their word of the month is, "focus."  They are reminded how this word is important to them on and off the mat. After these words of wisdom from Coach Bryan its time to warmup with a jog getting the blood pumping and their minds focused as they hear commands called out.  With all of our Core Combat students focused and ready to work it is now time to bust out line drills.  Making it a little more of a race for the older students to have them work as hard as they can.  For the younger students our instructors get them to focus on the smaller details to perfect their basic skills.  Every student at Core Combat Sports Academy ( www.coremma.tv ) worked their hardest to improve with each step, all of them eager to reach the next level in their pursuit for their black belt.

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