Friday, February 1, 2013

Our kids at Core Combat Sports Academy prove themselves with every class.  Even with a smaller class for the night the energy and excitement is still in full.  Working with our instructors the students push hard through the line drills perfecting their skills.  While the older students work with one another with some live rolling putting to use the skills they have learned on each other.  Our young ones practice and learn the scarf position and how to escape it.  Taking turns one applies the scarf while the other works the escape energy running high.  After working that move they are taught a couple escapes and takedowns from headlock position.  As the younger students practice what they have learned the older students change it up and focus on working different types of takedowns.   With everyone working as hard as they did through class its time to line up and go over their life skill for the month.  Focus was what every student here had learned for the month applying the meaning of that word on and off the mat.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

 Even before their class starts the students at Core Combat Sports Academy are filled with excitement and energy, running around chasing one another enjoying the friendships that they have gained.  Lined up ready to bow in all gave their respect to Master Helio Gracie.  Now time to work starting for with the usual jog mixed in with a couple excercises, then to work line drills and perfect those basic skills.  With Coach Darby our older students work on getting their opponent off of mount position.  Drilling the technique with one another they work hard focused on each step at a time. Learning each aspect of how they can better their skill set.  Once the younger students finish up their line drills, they sit in order waiting to learn tonight's skill.  For tonight the focus is on how they will "ompa" their opponent off of the mount.  Breaking up into smaller groups, each group works with an instructor to work this move and learn the proper way how to successfully pull it off.  Enjoying every moment they have on the mat each student is working their hardest to better themselves.  Not only on the mat but also off applying the life skills they are taught here

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

cold Tuesday night for core kids

Before everyone bows in, the students go over what their word of the month is, "focus."  They are reminded how this word is important to them on and off the mat. After these words of wisdom from Coach Bryan its time to warmup with a jog getting the blood pumping and their minds focused as they hear commands called out.  With all of our Core Combat students focused and ready to work it is now time to bust out line drills.  Making it a little more of a race for the older students to have them work as hard as they can.  For the younger students our instructors get them to focus on the smaller details to perfect their basic skills.  Every student at Core Combat Sports Academy ( ) worked their hardest to improve with each step, all of them eager to reach the next level in their pursuit for their black belt.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A "Focused" kids jujitsu night

Tuesday night and our Core kids are again excited and ready for their martial arts experience tonight.  After everyone bows in, its time for a nice warm up jog around the mat, throwing in bear crawls, crab walks streching out those jujitsu muscles and keeping their bodies nice and loose.  At Core combat sports academy( )all our instructors believe and will help each student reach their next level to finally achieve their black belt.  Next up for everyone are "line drills" working on perfecting their basic skills so they will learn to come naturally, also improving those muscles that aren't always used on a daily basis.  With all warm ups and line drills done the students break up the younger one go with coach Kristen,  coach Evan and coach Leina to work on holding mount on their opponent paying attention to their technique. Also working on paying attention to their classmates as they watch each other.  Our older Core students go off to work with coach Bryan, practicing sprawling out and taking their opponents back.  Paired up with one another each student goes through the steps to perfect this move.  Taking turns they work over and over helping each other out. While the older kids work their drill, our younger kids take it to the next step.  Knowing how to hold the mount they now work on keeping the mount position while their opponent is rolling under them.  No matter what skill our students are working on each one of them pushes their limit to do their best working hard throughout the entire class.  Making all of our instructors proud to see their progress.  At Core Combat Sports Academy we know that our students will go to be some of Rockford's great martial artists.

Friday, January 11, 2013

pics from kids class

Tuesday night kids class 1/08/2013

Tuesday night at Core Combat Sports Academy ( ) kids class kicks off with energy and excitement.  Every student ready for whats to come.  Starting off with a nice paced jog around the mat, mixing in bear crawls and crab walks to keep everyone limber and loose.  Once our students hear "line drills" everyone hustles to line up ready to work their hardest.  Pushing themselves to do their best is what our instructors see in each one of their students.   As tough as the drills may be every student at Core Combat Sports Academy gives 100%.  
Along with building their martial arts skills, our students are also challanged with learning a specific life skill for the month.  This month our kids class is learning "Focus".  Not just learning the meaning of the word but how to apply that word in their lives on and off the mat is how they achieve their life skill completion.
Something new our older kids are starting now is striking.   Armed with a good knowledge of their jujitsu, our instructors now introduce them to striking.   Working first on jabs and the proper foot work.  Learning how and why each movement is done.  Doing what is called the mirror drill, students pair up and focusing on their movement forward and backwards learning how to react to having an oppenent in front of them. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

After everyone enjoyed the holidays our students come back in ready to work again.  This Thursday muay tai class got a special treat,  with our guest instructor Jim McKenzie.  He took us back a little, "old school" karate,  showing us the application of when you can use a side kick or a back spinning hammer fist on the offensive or defensive. is where you want to look to get an idea to become part of one of Rockford, IL best martial arts academy.  Our students push each other to become better with each day.  There is always something new stirring up also.  With the new year comes new classes and more students.  From jujitsu to traditional wrestling and mma we learn to do it all.